CAMPUS'10 Technical Program

Thursday, 10th June 2010

09h00-09h30:Registration & welcome
09h30-10h30:Session 1: Middleware for Large-Scale Environments
Middleware for the Internet of Things, Design Goals and Challenges
Koosha Paridel, Engineer Bainomugisha, Yves Vanrompay, Yolande Berbers and Wolfgang De Meuter
Modelling Feedback Control Loops for Self-Adaptive Systems
Russel Nzekwa, Romain Rouvoy and Lionel Seinturier
10h30-11h00:Coffee break
11h00-12h30:Session 2: Improving the Quality of Context
MLContext: A Context-Modeling Language for Context-Aware Systems
Jose Ramon Hoyos, Jesus J. Garcia-Molina and Juan A. Botia
Training the Behaviour Preferences on Context Changes
Kuderna-Iulian Benta, Marcel Cremene and Amalia Hoszu
Testing self-adaptive applications with simulation of context events
Konstantinos Kakousis, Nearchos Paspallis, George A. Papadopoulos and Pedro Antonio Ruiz
12h30-14h00:Lunch break
14h00-15h30:Session 3: Adaptation in Pervasive Environments
Architectural Constraints for Pervasive Adaptive Applications
Christian Straube and Andreas Schroeder
Supporting Pervasive and Social Communications with FraSCAti
Rémi Mélisson, Daniel Romero, Romain Rouvoy and Lionel Seinturier
Ambient Contracts
Dries Harnie, Christophe Scholliers and Wolfgang De Meuter
15h30-16h00:Coffee break
16:00-17h00:Open discussions